Here were the directions for assignment 2 of lesson 1:
Students will take pictures of a subject from various viewpoints (near, far, from above, below, behind). Creativity is encouraged. Likewise, post your best two or three photos of the subject online and send me a link, along with an explanation of which you think is most visually appealing and why.
Here are my best three photos of my subject, starting with the first one, which could also count toward assignment 1, because I think it makes a nice abstract image as well. I like it because the curved line arches through the picture and draws my eye in, and the diagonal across the bottom definitely suggests that there is more to see beyond the picture.
The second one I like because the strings create a diagonal from corner to corner, giving the triangular element. At the same time the pick guard and the mouth of the guitar provide lines that curve up into the photo reminiscent of the golden mean, the lines then circle all the way back around, leading the eye back to where it started. Combined with the strings going up to the top corner, these elements ensure that your eye explores the whole picture.
The third one was hard to pick, there were a few I liked, I settled on this one because I liked the curved side of the guitar against the blue background, and felt that the photo was well balanced with some negative space in it.
Well, now the rest of the photos I am just posting to show that I did indeed follow the directions on this project, taking pictures from every angle I could think of.